Arena Polo Rules: Length of Arena Polo Matches

Arena polo is a new way of enjoying an exciting sport with a long history in our country. Learning about the organization and length of arena polo matches is key to understand how to play this special and thrilling version of polo.

Matches are divided into four periods or chukkers of 7 ½ minutes each with intervals of 3 or 4 minutes. After the second period, which marks the end of the first half of the match, there is a longer interval.

Speed is a distinctive factor in arena polo. Every chukker is packed with short-range shots, fast moves and action. Intervals are useful not only for players, but also for horses, their strategic allies. These few minutes between chukkers also allow players to change horses.

Teams change directions after every interval. The umpire tosses a coin to determine the direction of play at the start. A match begins when the ball is thrown by the umpire between the two teams, which are lined up at the center of the field.

Chukkers of 7.5 minutes packed with speed, action and adrenaline. This is how we play this new way of experiencing polo.