Argentine Polo in the World

Worldwide, Argentine polo is known as the best polo in the world. The best professional polo season takes place in this country with several important tournaments, such as the Tortugas, Hurlingham and Palermo Open. However, magic does not happen only here.

During the year, all Argentine polo players move abroad to shine in other countries. Maintaining the identity, genetics and culture of our country, they manage to stand out in teams and tournaments in other countries such as the United States, European nations, Saudi Arabia, among others. The polo sport managed to concentrate its best level in Argentina and then be taken to fields outside of this country.

Just as the best players are Argentine, Argentine polo horses are not far behind. Its characteristics stand out from the rest in resistance and speed, making the breed of Argentine Polo Horses unique. This breed is born from thoroughbred racehorses crossed with rustic country horses, which represents our culture.

In addition to their strong advantages in the game, these horses stand out for their special sensitivity and connection with the polo player. Both, polo player and horse, manage to have an important communication, which is undeniable and is reflected in the results of a match.

Argentine polo achieved high prestige internationally. Our level in polo is unmatched and year after year it grows to face and stay on the podium. Witness a professional polo match, on a starry night and in the moonlight, surrounded by nature and accompanied by an excellent Argentine wine; pleasures that can be experienced at Argentina Polo Night!