Horse Vision

There are a lot of myth around animals’ sight. For example, that animals including horses, are colorblind and only see in shades of gray. This is not true. A horse does not see color, but these animals may not see it as we do.

If we think about night vision they see much better in the dark than we can because their eyeballs have more of the structures that pickup light. However, the sudden changes in light levels gives less time for their eyes to adjust.

Thinking that horses see the same way we do would be a mistake. Is important to understand how they see to help as know how to take care of them, and know what they can and can’t do, to never put them in jeopardize.

Horses habits

Unlike humans, horses tend to sleep up to two hours per day. Horses are awake and moving all the time, theses naps are intermittent through night and day and in periods of 15 to 20 minute.

When horses are awake, they get hungry. They need to eat constantly, not three big meals throughout the day like us, they need small meals to help food move through their small stomach.