Playing Sports at Night Reduces Stress

Playing sports improves the quality of life of the human being, but, although many people have the conception that the best time of the day to exercise is the morning, it is actually during the night.

While there are many reasons to exercise at night, perhaps one of the most important is that night time exercise reduces stress.

At the last minute you will have the opportunity to relieve anxiety, forget about your problems and release endorphins, fighting the onset of stress before sleeping and giving a break from your stresses by putting your mind blank.

In addition, after a long and intense day of routine, nothing better than relaxing, releasing the tensions of day with a sport and if you do it outdoors even better.

Exercising releases a lot of feel-good brain chemicals known as endorphins, which lower your stress levels and improve your mood.

Playing a sport at night sets you up for an amazing tomorrow. You will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day.

Come and enjoy polo at night in our Polo Night experience!